Writing bachelor and master thesis

Coordinator of bachelor and master thesis development are study programme directors and Inga Vilumsone.
Step 1: Understand the submission schedule (published September) A fully prepared (bound in two copies) and signed bachelor's thesis must be submitted to the VEK/VPK/MEK secretary of the faculty and the electronic version of the thesis must be uploaded to LBTU IS (until the hard copies are submitted).
Submission schedule for Bachelor thesis development (important dates)
Submission schedule for Master thesis development (important dates)
Step 2: Choose your own topic or the one from published below >>> Choose your topic and find a supervisor
An archive of original IITF bachelor and master theses is available. Physical and electronic copies of bachelor and master theses for previous years can be viewed only at the IIT faculty.
- The list of previous bachelor's theses can be obtained from Inga Balama.
- Electronic copies of the theses can be viewed in room 34 of the IIT faculty - by prior arrangement.
- Upon completion of the declaration that the theses will not be copied, downloaded or taken out of the IIT faculty, the works are issued for examination in person.
Step 3: Learn how to write and format the thesis
For Bachelor's Thesis:
Methodological rules for developing the Bachelor thesis
Rules for formatting the Bachelor thesis
Writing and formatting the Thesis template (Information Technologies for Sustainable Development)
IEEE Citation Reference
State Examination Commission decision template
Thesis supervisor review template
Thesis reviewer template
For Master's Thesis:
Methodological rules for developing the Master thesis
Rules for formatting the Master thesis
Writing and formatting the Master thesis template
Thesis reviewer template
Step 4: Before the pre-defense, check the grammar of your draft: (if there will be more than 10 grammatical errors in the work, the work cannot be submitted for pre-defense)
Step 5: Thesis pre-defence
Step 6: Submission of the thesis
Step 7: Defence of the thesis